SOSHDBoot – Boot ROM Replacement (Location B9)

SOSHDBoot – Boot ROM Replacement (Location B9)


What’s wrong with the normal Apple /// Boot ROM? You have to boot directly to floppy. Well, not anymore.

With Robert Justice’ SOSHDBoot ROM Image, now you can boot your Apple /// directly to mass storage, like CFFA 3000, Booti, and others.

NOTE: you will need to modify your boot images to be compatible with SOSHDBoot. Please read up on details on his github page:

5 in stock


Each JCM Apple /// 2332 ROM replacement contains a surface mount 28C64-like EEPROM chip, a carrier PCB to adapt the pinouts, and through pins to allow you to plug the replacement directly into your Apple ///.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 oz
Dimensions 1 × 0.375 × 0.375 in