FujiNet for Apple II (Base Unit)

FujiNet for Apple II (Base Unit)


The FujiNet for Apple II and Apple III emulates SmartPort drives, Disk II drives (read only), CP/M, Clock, Modem, and a new Network Device. Disk images can be mounted directly from the internet via TNFS servers or from the onboard MicroSD socket. The Network device enables access to Internet protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, TNFS, SSH, TCP, UDP and more.

NOTE: FujiNet requires a SmartPort enabled computer. Please read the notes below on how to ensure your machine has SmartPort capability.

Don’t Forget the DB19 Adapter Kit if you need it!

10 in stock


FujiNet requires a SmartPort enabled Apple II or III computer. Later Apple II models such as the IIc (ROM 0, 3 or 4), IIc+ and IIgs have native SmartPort capability. The Apple II, II+, IIe and III need a SmartPort card to enable the use of FujiNet. Currently known and tested SmartPort add-on cards:

For the non-native SmartPort computers, you also need an I/O card to connect the FujiNet via the DB-19 adapter or an IDC20 cable. Currently known and tested I/O cards:

  • Original Disk II Interface card (IDC20)
  • 5.25 Disk Drive controller (DB-19)
  • Liron card (SmartPort only, no Disk II support, DB-19)
  • Yellowstone (IDC20)

More information about setup and usage is available in the Apple II & III Quickstart Guide on the FujiNet wiki

Additional information

Weight 1.7 oz
Dimensions 3.5 × 1.75 × 0.75 in

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